Sunday, October 23, 2011

How to get rich quick.

How to get rich quick
geckos do not know if it's brought a windfall for those who sell it??
slanting prices soar it is really true, but not everyone is so lucky, because if everyone is so lucky maybe there will be no poor people,, hhe
it's just that geckos are fairly easy animals encountered when a small, but if a large .. here it is hard as hell, I want ya a little story, to be exact day of the week in October, I can solo any news if the gecko is too size 60 and weighs 5.9 ounces, it's good then, when I and my father saw, was correct, it's a very large gecko, without much time I just contact the buyers from Indonesia and I was told that I look at myself, and instantly direct the buyer to come because the buyer only believe when I see it immediately, knowing the buyer does not want the trick .. and now it's also a direct purchaser of goods traded in solo and within 3 hours thank God we are all successful smoothly .. geckos are rewarded 60 billion per ounce, so the total is 300 billion, and the system in the split watermelon,, to the owner of the goods and a half, to a mediator and a half, .. I am delighted to present this, hopefully you guys can also be successful in this business, and do not forget .. berjakatlah because of what we can is partially owned by the poor and needy,, do you also feel the money is ever present gecko or more transactions, it would be fun


The gecko is a small to medium species of lizard that is found in the more temperate and tropical regions of the world. Geckos are more commonly found around the Equator and in the Southern Hemisphere although a few species of gecko are found north of the Equator in warmer regions.
There are thought to be over 2,000 different species of gecko found around the world and it is widely believed that there are more species of gecko that ate yet to be discovered. Geckos are found in a wide variety of colours and have various different markings on their bodies depending on the species of gecko.

Geckos are found in a wide variety of habitats in the warmer parts of the world including rocky deserts, mountains, jungles, rainforests, grasslands and even in urban areas where it is common to find geckos in houses.

Geckos can range in size from just a few centimetre to more than 50 cm in length. The largest species of gecko is the Delcourt's gecko (which is now believed to be extinct), native to New Zealand and it grows to nearly 60 cm in length. The Jaragua Sphaero found in the Dominican Republic in South America, is the smallest species of gecko in the world and averages less than 2cm in length.

Geckos are well known for their amazing ability to walk up vertical surfaces even those as smooth as glass. The feet of the gecko are covered in tiny hairs that stick to surfaces like sucker pads. This adaptation means that the gecko is a very agile animal.

Geckos are carnivorous reptiles so the diet of the gecko is based on meat from other animals. Geckos primarily eat insects and worms, but some of the larger species of gecko hunt small birds, reptiles and even small mammals such as mice. Some species of gecko are also known to eat a small amount of plant matter such as moss.

Due to their small size, geckos have a number of natural predators around the world, with the snake being the main predator of the gecko. Other animals that prey on the gecko include large spiders, birds and some mammal species.

After mating, the female gecko lays 2 sticky eggs, that have a soft shell and are white in colour. The gecko eggs quickly harden so that the developing gecko inside is more protected. The eggs of the gecko can take between 1 and 3 months to hatch but the incubation period is largely dependent on the species of gecko and the area in which it inhabit. The female gecko is not known to nurse or look after the baby geckos after they hatch.

Today, many species of gecko are considered to be threatened with extinction due to habitat loss and pollution. Geckos are also popular pets around the world and many are caught in the wild to be sold into the exotic pet trade.

Monday, October 17, 2011

tips to geckos do not shrink

The story about the decline of heavy gecko, maybe you've heard or even your own experience.
I too have experienced this. It was quite annoying at all.
You can imagine if we want to sell it to the buyer gecko. Once in place, heavy geckos shrink, might we got complaints. Even got a penalty for having made ​​prior arrangement.
Well, to avoid shrinking of the weight of a gecko on the way, the following tips to bring geckos
Gecko is an animal that's easy to shrink the weight, because the actual gecko stomach contains only the wind. So, very easy to shrink. Therefore, the agency geckos can not be used as a weight ratio of geckos. But only the head and tail that could describe in plain view of how much weight gecko.
The most common cause is the shrinking of gecko: gecko's stress condition, environmental conditions that are too noisy, too bright conditions and geckos are often handled and weighed. Solution or handling: To geckos do not shrink / depreciation is not too extreme when taken, can be done several treatments / treatment that is:
Enter the gecko into the bamboo so that the gecko is not turned too bright and the temperature is always maintained
  Into the gecko's mouth, give it two green beans
Enter some tail geckos crickets into the container so that geckos do not starve during the trip.
Do not be too often weigh gecko or gecko holding by hand directly, geckos can be held with a cloth at the time will be weighed. Geckos hold a maximum of 2 times. to facilitate weighing, weighing can be done in advance so the container can be directly reduced weight.
Well, it just brings gecko tips so as not to shrink the weight.

I would be happy if you tell me what do you know..thank 

Tokek Obat Tumor Secrets

Kalian pasti pada tahu kan sama tokek?? Tau gak kalo tokek itu banyak khasiatnya? Aku bisa tebak paling dalam pikiran kalian tokek obat gatel atau budug,,hhe J, asma atau obat penambah stamina buat kaum pria.,wuuuuuu!!! Sebenernya sih itu juga bener soalnya si raja cicak sekarang banyak banget di buru orang...tapi yang paling menakjubkan yaitu tokek  juga bisa menyembuhkan Tumor,, waaaaawww
 Pantes aja ya harganya mahallllll...  Tak hanya puluhan atau ratusan juta, bahkan tokek sudah dihargai miliaran per ekor.
Meski banyak yang meragukan tingginya harga jual tokek karena mereka belum pernah jual, tapi kalo udah jual pasti mereka percaya 1000 %(itu kalo ada hhe )tapi banyak pula ko yang percaya. Bagi yang percaya, mungkin sudah  pernah membuktikan sendiri ,,.
Sebuah penelitian mengidentifikasi bahwa binatang sejenis cicak yang disebut tokek dan sering digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional China atau traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) memiliki efek anti-tumor.
Sifat anti-tumor ini ditunjukkan melalui kemampuan menghambat tumor dengan cara memperkuat energi tubuh. Tim yang diketuai Prof Wang dari Universitas Henan, China, menunjukkan bahwa zat aktif tokek tidak hanya meningkatkan respons sistem kekebalan tubuh dari suatu organisme, tetapi juga menginduksi sel-sel tumor apoptosis (yang membunuh dirinya sendiri) serta menekan ekspresi protein VEGF dan bFGF, faktor pendukung berkembangnya kanker.wuu keren kan,,,
Kemoterapi—salah satu metode utama dalam pengobatan kanker yang kerap dilakukan para dokter saat ini—memiliki kelemahan karena tidak bisa selektif menyerang sel kanker sehingga memengaruhi zat antikanker itu sendiri, juga mengandung racun.
Pada 40 tahun terakhir ini, para ahli dari China telah mendapatkan dan menggunakan metode pengobatan kanker yang lebih efektif, yang diintegrasikan dengan TCM plus kemoterapi. Temuan-temuan tentang hal ini  telah dipublikasikan setahun lalu pada 7 Juli 2008 di World Journal of Gastroenetrology (Jurnal Gastroenterologi).
Beberapa tulisan lain di beberapa media massa juga menyebut tokek punya banyak khasiat, mulai dari pengobatan kanker hingga obat AIDS. Yang jelas, saat ini beberapa peneliti dari berbagai dunia sedang meneliti khasiat lebih lanjut tentang tokek atau gecko ini. Jadi, mari kita sama-sama tunggu hasilnya. Semoga si tokek bisa membawa manfaat sebesar-besarnya bagi umat manusia dan kehidupan itu sendiri. Amin
Nah, masih ragu soal kedahsyatan harga tokek, atau malah jadi percaya kalau tokek itu dihargai sangat mahal. Silakan saja hubungi saya,, hhe
menurut kalian gimana ni tokek itu? Bener atau hanya mimpi di siang bolong?? Saya senang sekali kalau kalian mengutarakan pendapat kalian disini.. trimakasih..
by: marindri

Foto Tokek Raksasa ( Besar ) 64 KG

Tokek Raksasa ( Besar ) 64 KG - Zaman udah semakin tua, banyak kejadian aneh dan fenomena alam yang terjadi. Setelah kemarin meteor jatuh di Jakarta, sekarang giliran seekor tokek raksasa mempunyai berat 64 kilogram ditemukan di daerah perbatasan Nunukan-Malaysia di Kalakbakan.

Tokek Raksasa yang menghebohkan ini akhirnya terjual 64 juta ringgit Malaysia atau setara Rp 179,2 miliar (kurs Rp 2.800). Sampai berita ini ditulis, tidak diketahui siapa pembelinya. Penasaran dengan hewan melata sejenis cicak atau buaya ini, ini dia fotonya, silahkan dinikmati.

Meski sudah laku terjual, ternyata masih banyak peminat tokek raksasa ini yang mengejar pembeli tokek pertama tersebut untuk dibeli lagi dengan harga yang tentunya lebih mahal. Tapi tak banyak informasi yang bisa didapatkan mengenai transaksi pembelian tokek tersebut karena sang pemilik tokek juga telah berangkat ke Kuala Lumpur. Kabar yang beredar pembelinya adalah orang dari Indonesia. 
by :Rohadi's Blog

Inilah Tokek Yang Harganya Mahal

Manfaat tokek

Tokek sudah lama menjadi obat tradisonal China, bahkan sering dijadikan bahan makanan. Tapi apa sajakah manfaat dari toke itu, sekarang ini bintang yang sering kita jumpai di rumah ini, Banyak diburu, karena harganya yang mahal. Semakin besar ukurannya, semakin mahal pula harganya.
Manfaat daging tokek yang dikonsumsi sebagai makanan atau dalam bentuk obat dipercaya bisa mengobati penyakit seperti kulit, asma dan juga meningkatkan stamina kaum laki-laki. Tapi sepengetahuan bintang hingga kini belum ada penelitian secara farmakologi yang mampu menunjukkan khasiat dari pengobatan menggunakan tokek tersebut.
Walau begitu pernah ada laporkan dalam laporan praktik klinis (uji coba ke makhluk hidup) yang menunjukkan bahwa tokek  memiliki efek positif terbesar terhadap tumor ganas.   Riset ini dipimpin oleh Prof Wang dari Henan University of China. Namun mekanisme kerjanya sebgai anti-tumor masih belum jelas.
Saat ini WHO (World Health Organisation), lembaga kesehatan terbesar dibawah PBB ini melakukan mengenai khasiat dan manfaat dari daging dan kulit tokek yang katanya dapat menyembuhkan penyakit AIDS, asma dan berbagai penyakit kulit lainnya.
Saat ini manfaat dari daging tokek mungkin masih kurang begitu jelas, walau begitu sudah banyak obat tradisonal terutama dari cina yang menggunakan tokek sebagai bahan utamanya. Entah apakah yang digunakan adalah tokek rumah atau tidak. Yang bintang tahu sebagai businessman, harga tokek lagi tinggi.
Jadi manfaat terbesar buat bintang sekarang, adalah tokek bisa dijadikan ladang duit. Andai dapat tokek terbesar yang ada di dunia, lumayan tuh hasil yang didapat. Bisa beli rumah dan kawin wkwkwkwkwk
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