Monday, October 17, 2011

tips to geckos do not shrink

The story about the decline of heavy gecko, maybe you've heard or even your own experience.
I too have experienced this. It was quite annoying at all.
You can imagine if we want to sell it to the buyer gecko. Once in place, heavy geckos shrink, might we got complaints. Even got a penalty for having made ​​prior arrangement.
Well, to avoid shrinking of the weight of a gecko on the way, the following tips to bring geckos
Gecko is an animal that's easy to shrink the weight, because the actual gecko stomach contains only the wind. So, very easy to shrink. Therefore, the agency geckos can not be used as a weight ratio of geckos. But only the head and tail that could describe in plain view of how much weight gecko.
The most common cause is the shrinking of gecko: gecko's stress condition, environmental conditions that are too noisy, too bright conditions and geckos are often handled and weighed. Solution or handling: To geckos do not shrink / depreciation is not too extreme when taken, can be done several treatments / treatment that is:
Enter the gecko into the bamboo so that the gecko is not turned too bright and the temperature is always maintained
  Into the gecko's mouth, give it two green beans
Enter some tail geckos crickets into the container so that geckos do not starve during the trip.
Do not be too often weigh gecko or gecko holding by hand directly, geckos can be held with a cloth at the time will be weighed. Geckos hold a maximum of 2 times. to facilitate weighing, weighing can be done in advance so the container can be directly reduced weight.
Well, it just brings gecko tips so as not to shrink the weight.

I would be happy if you tell me what do you know..thank 


  1. kang,aku kan punya tokek di garut,tapi setelah di bawa ke jakarta langsung jado 3 ons,tapi panjang tetep 70,padahal awalnya beratnya 5,5ons..cara biar kembali semula gimana ya kang??? please bales,,,,,

  2. coba aja dengan memberi makan tokek secera berkala, antara pagi dan sore, karena tokek akang panjangnya sudah mencukupi jadi tinggal proses penggemukan,coba saat memberi makan tokek dengan jangkrik,1 jangkrik di lumuri minyak ikan supaya nafsu makannya bertambah..jangan terlalu banyak minyak ikannya nanti malah operdosis..hhe
    pokoknya untuk pagi 5 ekor jangkrik,sore juga 5 ekor ya :-)

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  4. makasih kang tipsnya,saya bakalan coba di rumah
